Claire Ramsey

Researcher, Leader, Teacher, & Life-Long Learner


Degree History

Claire earned a Doctorate of Education (Ed.D.) in Educational Leadership and Administration from Ohio University in April, 2022. Her cognate was in Comparative, International Educational Leadership and key concepts from her dissertation research included: rural teachers, the influence of sociocultural background, and glocal (i.e., local to global) worldview.

In May, 2013, she earned a Master of Arts in Secondary Education, emphasizing English Education (Grades 5-Adult) and Bachelor of Arts in English, with a dual-emphasis in Literary/Cultural Sciences and English Education (Grades 5-Adult) from West Virginia University (WVU). Before graduating from WVU, she completed a student-teaching experience at a private school in France.

Upon graduating, she accrued teaching experience in a variety of settings: a middle school in rural West Virginia (WV), a private language institute in urban Bolivia, a career and technical education center in urban WV, and volunteered as an English as a Second Language teacher in various communities along the way. Claire has teaching experience with ages 10 through adult, from minors to college students, to professionals. She also has experience leading professional development sessions for teachers and presenting her own research at academic conferences nationally and internationally.

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Awards & Honors

Fulbright U.S. Student Program: Fulbright-EDUFI* Fellowship | 2021-2022

OU Original Work Grant | 2021

OU Research Committee Grant | 2020

American Association for Adult and Continuing Education Graduate Tuition Grant | 2020

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Scholarship | 2019

OU College of Education, Max W. and Kathleen Evans Endowed Scholarship | 2019

WVU Magna Cum Laude | 2013

West Virginia Promise Scholarship | 2008-2012


*EDUFI is the acronym for the Finnish National Agency for Education, a co-sponsor of the fellowship with the Fulbright Finland Foundation.

“The most rewarding part of teaching, anywhere in the world, I think, is seeing progress in your students,” she said. “Academic progress is an obvious example, but I mean other types of progress, too: emotional, behavioral, social. It's building trust and a connection with your student that encourages them—and seeing them respond with success to that connection.”

— Claire [Garner] Ramsey

Perine, J. (2014, Nov. 23). BHS alum Claire Garner spreading the English language and making a life in La Paz, Bolivia. Connect Bridgeport.


Publications & Conferences


Lowery, C.L., Hess, M. E., Ramsey, C.K.G. & Fewell, C. (2023). Opioids and school leaders: bricolage leadership in Appalachian Ohio. International Journal of Leadership in Education, DOI: 10.1080/13603124.2023.2275642

Ramsey, C. & Lowery, C. (2022). Sociocultural background influences on rural educational leadership: A phenomenological study of Appalachian leadership. The International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation.

Ramsey, C. (2022). Rural Teacher Perception, Sociocultural Background, Glocal Curriculum, and Student Glocal Worldview: An Appalachian Context (Doctoral dissertation, Ohio University).

Jean-Francois, E., Ramsey, C., & Samkari, N. (2022). Glocal education: Theories, research, and implications. In. V. Roudometof, & U. Dessi (Eds). Handbook of culture and glocalization (pp. 186-199). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Ramsey, C., & Ricket, A. (2020). Examining Physical Space, Leadership Inheritance, and “Authentic” Community Engagement through Co-Constructed Autoethnography. American Journal of Qualitative Research, 4(3), 161-178.

Kleinschmidt, J., Garner, C., Schwarz, J. (2020). Studying adult education: A comparison of master’s degree programmes on ALE in Germany and the US. In Egetenmeyer, R., Boffo, V., & Kröner, S. (Eds.), International and Comparative Studies in Adult and Continuing Education. (pp. 99–114). Firenze University Press. DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-155-6.07

Manuscripts in Progress

Ramsey, C. (In Progress). Global citizenship curriculum in rural spaces: A case comparison between Finland and the USA.

Ramsey, C. & Elliott, K. (In Progress). Cross-sites, co-constructed duo-ethnography: Unpacking transformation as emerging scholars.

Elliott, K., Ramsey C., & Stargardter, J. (In Progress). Teacher advocacy and activism on TikTok.


Ramsey, C., Nally, M, & Pashtum, H. (2024, June 24). Measuring and Monetizing Social Impact: An EPIC Method of Valuing Community Engagement and Partnership. 2024 EPIC-Network Conference, Edwardsville, IL, USA. 

Ramsey, C. (2024, May 8). Contributing to Collective Impact: A Resource and Best Practice Toolkit. Nonprofits LEAD Annual Capacity Building Conference, Marietta, OH, USA.

Ramsey, C. & Elliott, K. (2024, March 10-14). US Teacher Activism & Advocacy on TikTok. Comparative International Education Society (CIES) 2022 Conference, Miami, FL, USA.

Ricket, A., Werry, T., Yahn, J. & Ramsey, C. (2024, March 7-9). Cultivating a Culture of Belonging in Rural Appalachia: A Qualitative Study of Educator Perceptions and Community Thriving. Appalachian Studies Association, Cullowhee, NC, USA.

Nally, M. & Ramsey, C. (2023, June 7-9). Measuring and Monetizing Social Impact: A New Way to Value Community Engagement in K-12 and Higher Education. International Town and Gown Association, Fort Collins, CO, USA.

Ramsey, C. & Leonard-Webber. (2023, May 1-2). Community and Career Connected Learning: Impacts & Potential. Let’s Connect: A Conference for ESC Service Providers, Columbus, OH, USA.

Ramsey, C. & Ricket, A. (2023, March 16-19). The Possibilities of Community and Career Connected Learning from Appalachian Classrooms to Their Communities. Appalachian Studies Association, Athens, OH, USA.

Ramsey, C. (2023, February 14-22). Exploring Rural Teachers’ Sociocultural Influence, Curriculum Choices, and Students Glocal Worldview in North America and Eastern Europe: A Mid-Pandemic Context [Paper presentation]. Comparative & International Education Society (CIES), Washington, DC, USA.

Ramsey, C. & Lowery, C. (2022, April 21-26). Sociocultural background influences on rural educational leadership: A phenomenological study of Appalachian leadership [Paper presentation]. AERA 2022 Annual Meeting, Virtual.

Lowery, C., Hess, M., Fewell, C., & Ramsey, C. (2022, April 21-26). How superintendents in Appalachian Ohio perceive the impact of the opioid crisis [Paper presentation]. AERA 2022 Annual Meeting, Virtual.

Ramsey, C. (2022, April 18-22). Global citizenship curriculum in rural spaces: A case comparison between Finland and the USA [Paper presentation in Formal Panel Session]. CIES 2022 Conference, Virtual.  

Elliott, K., Ramsey C., & Stargardter, J. (2021, Nov. 25-26). Teacher advocacy and activism on TikTok [Paper presentation]. FERA Conference, Virtual.

Ramsey, C., & Ricket, A. (2020, Oct. 27–30). Examining physical space, leadership inheritance, and “authentic” community engagement through co-constructed autoethnography [Paper presentation]. 69th Annual AAACE Conference, Virtual.

Lowery, C., Hess, M., Fewell, C., & Garner, C. (2020, Aug 5-6). Educational leaders and the impact of opioids on students and schools in Ohio [Paper presentation]. ICPEL 2020 Virtual Conference. Virtual.

Lowery, C. L., Hess, M. E., Garner, C. & Fewell, C. (2020, Apr 17-21) Rural superintendents as moral agents: responding to needs of students impacted by the opioid crisis [Paper presentation]. AERA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, United States. (Conference Canceled)

Lowery, C., Hess, M., Garner, C. & Fewell, C. (2020, March 14-17). A phenomenological inquiry into k12 superintendents perceptions of the opioid crisis [Paper presentation]. 43rd Annual Appalachian Studies Conference, Lexington, KY, UUnited StatesSA. (Conference Canceled)

Garner, C. (2019, October 16-18). Music and lyric application in the language classroom [Paper presentation]. 2019 Mid-Western Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, United States.

Garner, C. (2019, October 9). Professionalizing the professionals: professionalization and globalization of adult learning and education in the United States [Paper presentation]. 68th Annual AAACE Conference, Saint Louis, MO, United States.

Garner, C. (2019, April 29). The tale of ALE: professionalizing occupational structures of adult learning and education (ALE) in the United States[Paper presentation]. TELS Fifth Annual International Conference Terre Haute, IN, United States.


Cunningham, G., Vandyke, T.D., King, A., Ramsey, C., Tackett, D. (2024, March 21). OHIO Fulbright Alumni Panel [Panel Presentation]. In Lewis, C. Office of Nationally Competitive Awards, Ohio University, Virtual.

Clopton-Zymler, M., Ramsey, C., Heath, C., Yahn, J. (2023, June 22). Dissertation Writing Panel on Qualitative Research [Lecture]. In Lowery, C. Instructional Leadership Course, Virginia Tech University, Virtual. 

Ramsey, C. & Ryu, SY. (2023, April 5). Fulbright Social Sciences, Humanities, and Education Studies Research Panel for OHIO Students [Lecture]. In Lewis, C., Office of Nationally Competitive Awards series, Ohio University, Virtual.

Ramsey, C. (2022, April 9). Foundations of Education in the United States [Seminar Presentation]. American Studies Seminar, Lahti, Finland. [Presentation canceled due to COVID-19]

Ramsey, C., Elliott, K., Stargardter, J. (2021, October 8-9). Teacher Activism on TikTok [Seminar Presentation]. Fulbright Finland Foundation American Voices Seminar, Turku, Finland.


Instructor | Building Bridges to Careers (BB2C) (Marietta, OH, USA)
April-September 2024
Course: High School Tech Internships Resource Advancement Professional Development

Workshop Facilitator | BB2C (Marietta, Ohio, USA)
March-April 2023
Course: Community and Career Connected Learning Educator Resources Class
Instructors: Dr. Tasha Werry & Kristi Leonard-Webber

Teaching Assistant (Graduate Level) | Ohio University Patton College of Education (Athens, Ohio, USA)
January-May 2022
Course: Educational Administration (EDAD) 8800: Rural Schools and Communities
Instructor: Dr. Emmanuel Jean-Francois

Workshop Co-Instructor (Graduate Level) | Khbrat Program, Ohio University Patton College of Education (Athens, Ohio, USA)
March & April 2019
Workshop 1: Effective Classroom Management Workshop (March 25-26, 2019)
Workshop 2: Equitable Learning and Inclusive Classroom Workshop (April 19-22, 2019)


Rotarian | The Rotary Club (Marietta, Ohio, USA)
August 2023-Present

Vice Member of the Board | JoMoni (Joensuu, Finland)
August 2021-December 2022

Expert Evaluator on Grant Selection Committee | Fulbright Finland Foundation (Helsinki, Finland)
March-April 2022

Expert Evaluator on Leadership Awards Committee | Ohio University Division of Diversity and Inclusion (Athens, Ohio, USA)
February 2021


Thank you for your interest. I look forward to hearing from you.